Paul Joseph Robin

About Me

I am a master’s student in Physics at University of Paris-Saclay, as part of the international QUAntum Research Master Education Network. As part of the program, I spent my first semester at Sapienza University of Rome. I did my undergraduate studies in Physics at St. Stephen’s College. I enjoy working through the mathematical aspects and exploring various theoretical models. I am comfortable programming in Python, C++ and Fortran, and in learning new programming languages.

Also familiar with the Qiskit and the PennyLane framework, I have an active interest in quantum computation and information.

SLIDES: The Demons and The Second Law presented at the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School Admissions Academy.

Check out this flash fiction The Frozen Galaxies, submitted for the Quantum Shorts competition (other links towards the bottom of this page).


Educational Material Development for Quantum Annealing

QIntern 2021, QWorld

Applications of combinatorial optimization problems and their formulations (QUBO, Ising, Higher Order) for simulation on D-Wave annealers, simultaneously preparing open-source materials for educational outreach, led by Dr. Özlem Salehi (IITiS PAN).

SWAN Antenna Design Challenge

Organized by The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune, India

Designed a novel dual-polarization antenna using Electromagnetic Simulation softwares (FEKO and WIPL-D) operating in broadband frequency 50-500 MHz, in a team of 10 under Dr. Chinkhanlun Guite.

The aim of the challenge was to design a broadband dual-polarization antenna element suitable for astronomical observations at low radio frequencies, which would form the basic element of an electronically steerable array in a combined area of about 1000 sq. m.

Prof. Nagpaul Fellowship

Mathematics Society, St. Stephen's College

Studied the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and applied it to the solution of non-linearly perturbed oscillator. Then, we verified the Inverse Transform by matching the composition with the original solution.

Additionally, studied correlation functions and its application in Noise Reduction via autocorrelation.

This project was in a team of 3 under Mr. Piyush Bansal (Dept. of Mathematics).

Modelling the spread of COVID-19

Implementation of epidemiological models for the spread of SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus

The project started with exploring Stochastic SIR model using the Gillespie algorithm and its comparison with the differential equations modelling. Then, modified the SIR model by adding age-structures and social contact data for the spread of COVID-19 in India.

A random walks model for the the spread of any general pandemic was developed. This used a lattice network to spread the infection (mimicking real-life behaviour) which has the potential to identify hotspots (this was not explored properly). It has been further developed into a network(graph) of multiple clusters(lattices) and tracing the infection in such a population.

Lately, an SIR model with asymptomatic case compartments has been added. This also includes a section on fitting the daily new cases in Italy with a log-normal function.

Voter Verification System

Arduino based system for identifying fraudulent voters by scanning unique QR/bar codes.

This system can be paired with an EVM-based election environment. The main intention is to eliminate any usage of paper (and other such resources) that is commonly used to verify voters, even in environments where digital machines like EVMs are used. The aim of the project was to use this alongside the existing EVMs in college elections.

Feel free to check out other projects on GitHub to have a look at my work.


St. Stephen’s College, University of Delhi

2019 - 2022

Bachelors in Science (Hons.) in Physics. Some relevant undergraduate coursework includes: Mathematical Physics, Analog & Digital Systems, Electromagnetism, Thermal Physics, Waves & Optics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Elements of Modern Physics.

Addionally as a part of Electronics Society, Finance & Investment Cell and the Social Service League, I have been able to develop leadership and team skills. This has also allowed me to develop certain creative skills in video editing and content creation and design.

Sapienza, University of Rome

2022 - 2023

Pursuing MSc in Physics. Some relevant master’s coursework includes: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Condensed Matter Physics, Physics Lab I, Computing Methods in Physics, Non-linear and Quantum Optics.

University of Paris-Saclay

2023 - 2024

MSc in Physics. Some relevant master’s coursework includes: Machine Learning for Quantum Technology, Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena, Quantum Hardware, Advanced Mathematics for Physics, Micro and nanofabrication, etc.

Other Interests

Some other activities I enjoy: